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Glory of Christ by John Owen
Cold-Case Christianity by J. Warner Wallace
Systematic Theology by Chafer, 7 Volumes (incomplete set)
Saving Jesus by Carter Heyward
We Are Theologians by Fredrica Harris Thompsett
Faith Seeking Understanding by Daniel L. Migliore (First Edition)
Christ Before the Manger by Ron Rhodes
Transformed Lives: Making Sense of Atonement Today by Cynthia S.W. Crysdale
Two Views on Homosexuality, the Bible, and the Church ed. by Preston Sprinkle et
Intolerance of Tolerance by D.A. Carson
Explicit Gospel by Matt Chandler
Finally Feminist by John G. Stackhouse Jr.
Christmanship: A Theology of Competition and Sport by Dr. Greg Linville
Lost Virtue of Happiness by J.P. Moreland and Klaus Issler
Institutes of Biblical Law by Rousas John Rushdoony
What Is Faith? by J. Gresham Machen
Luther's Theology of the Cross by Alister E. McGrath
Dictionary of Christian Theology ed. by Alan Richardson
Moody Handbook of Theology by Paul Enns
New Testament Theology by Donald Guthrie
Evangelical Theology: An Introduction by Karl Barth
Two Babylons, Fourth Edition by Rev. Alexander Hislop
Knowledge of God and Service of God by Karl Barth
Doctrine of the Word of God by Karl Barth
Perfectionism by Benjamin B. Warfield
Miracles: Yesterday and Today, Real and Counterfeit by Benjamin B. Warfield
The Christian Ministry by Charles Bridges
Office and Work of the Holy Spirit by James Buchanan
Reformed Doctrine of Predestination by Loraine Boettner
Future Grace by John Piper
Crucified God by Jurgen Moltmann
Mere Apologetics by Alister McGrath
High King of Heaven edited by John MacArthur
Heresy by Alister McGrath
The Quest for the Historical Jesus by Albert Schweitzer
A History of Western Philosophy and Theology by John M. Frame
The Evangelical Faith (Part III) by Helmut Thielicke
Logic by Vern Sheridan Poythress
Following Jesus: Biblical Reflections on Discipleship by N.T. Wright
Evil and the Justice of God by N.T. Wright
Dispensationalism (Revised and Expanded) by Charles C. Ryrie
Evidence That Demands a Verdict (Updated and Expanded) by Josh McDowell
Pure Kingdom: Jesus' Vision of God by Bruce Chilton
The Living God, Edited by Millard Erickson
Holding Forth the Word of Life, Edited by De Jong & Saysell
Not the Way It's Supposed to be by Cornelius Plantinga Jr.
Mysteries of Faith by Mark A. McIntosh
Definition of Christianity by David Gooding and John Lennox
Exploring and Proclaiming the Apostles' Creed edited by Roger E. Van Harn
Exploring Ecclesiology by Brad Harper and Paul Louis Metzger
Roman Catholicism: Evangelical Protestants Analyze What Divides and Unites Us
Darwin, Divinity, and the Dance of the Cosmos by Bruce Sanguin
Doctrine Twisting by H. Wayne House and Gordon Carle
Grace in the End: A Study in Deuteronomic Theology by J.G. McConville
The Resurrection of the Dead by Karl Barth
Sin, The Savior, and Salvation by Robert Lightner
Paul, The Law, and Justification, by Colin G. Kruse
From Rousseau to Ritschl by Karl Barth
Learning Jesus Christ Through the Heidelberg Catechism by Karl Barth
If God, Why Evil? by Norman L. Geisler