From the ghetto of Brooklyn to success in Hollywood to a stunning restoration in Jesus, Jeannie Ortega Law fought witchcraft, abuse, demonic attacks, depression, suicidal thoughts, rejection, being treated like a commodity as a pop star, and more. She has learned that you must activate your spiritual sight to defeat the darkness in this world. In What Is Happening to Me?, Jeannie will help you to * discern unseen spiritual activity affecting your life * guard your heart and mind and close the door to evil * overcome lust, anger, and addictions * break soul ties and get out of bad relationships * rest in the love of God and his purpose for your life Let this book move you from being on the defense to taking an offensive stand against the enemy. You can win the battles that seem overwhelming. Open your spiritual eyes and walk in your divine authority, inheritance, and victory!
What Is Happening To Me? by Jeannie Ortega Law
Format: Paperback
Condition: Very Good
ISBN: 9780800761769
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