In this arousing new work, Walter Chantry expounds from Christ's dealing with the rich young ruler the essential elements in gospel preaching. A close examination of the scripture evidence leads to this conclusion: "Differences between much of today's preaching and that of Jesus are not petty; they are enormous. The chief errors are not in emphasis or approach but in the heart of the gospel message. Were there a deficiency in one of the areas mentioned in these pages, it would be serious. But to ignore all -- the attributes of God, the holy law of God, repentance, a call to bow to the enthroned Christ -- and to pervert the doctrine of assurance, is the most vital mistake. This powerfully-written book has a message which goes to the heart of the contemporary problem in a way that conferences and commissions on evangelism have failed to do. Its expository approach is particularly valuable.
Today's Gospel by Walter J. Chantry
Format: Paperback
Condition: Very Good
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