Do you ever stop and wonder what it all means? What is the point of life? Is there a way to achieve spiritual fulfillment? This new book, written by one of the world's most gifted Christian communicators, provides spiritual guidance to those looking for religious answers to their deepest questions.Taking as a starting point the deep sense of longing for meaning and personal fulfillment that so many people feel today, Alister McGrath suggests that, ultimately, spiritual hunger can only be satisfied by God. Looking afresh at the very heart of the Christian faith -- most notably its beliefs about the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus -- McGrath invites readers to explore the inner peace, hope, and fulfillment that Christianity has to offer.
Intended for all those who are seriously feeling their way toward spiritual understanding, this readable, thought-provoking book includes numerous full-color illustrations, quotations from poems and modern authors, and highly relevant extracts from the Bible and other Christian writings.
The Unknown God by Alister McGrath
Format: Paperback
Condition: Good
ISBN: 9780745950334
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