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If the Old Testament Prophets always seemed distant and dusty then you haven't read The Message. Translating directly from the original languages, Eugene Peterson recounts the stories of God's judgement and action in such a way that you will be unable to escape the reality of God's character and his involvement in our lives today. A MESSAGE THAT IS COMFORTING BUT NEVER COMFORTABLE. The prophets of the Old Testament weren't particularly popular. Their messages-straight from God-made the people of their day very uncomfortable. When God spoke through his prophets, he didn't pull punches. He told his people exactly what he thought of them, using images and language that were powerful, graphic, and sometimes shocking. And while the prophets proclaimed a message of comfort, they never compromised the truth in order to make people feel comfortable. Eugene Peterson restores the passion and power of the prophets' message to a generation that has become perhaps a bit too comfortable with God. The words of Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Malachi, and others cut through our defenses, pierce our hardened hearts, and open our eyes to see ourselves as God sees us-and to see him as he really is. It's not comfortable, but it is a message of great comfort.

The Message: Old Testament Prophets

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  • Format: Hardcover

    Condition: Good

    ISBN: 9781576831953

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