Heart-Racing. Thought-Provoking. Life-Changing.
If you find reading the Bible uneventful, "old hat," or downright confusing, then it's time for The Message. Join the millions of readers who have been drawn to God through Eugene Peterson's best-selling Bible paraphrase.
Translated directly from the ancient Hebrew and Greek texts into today's American idiom, The Message is designed as a reading Bible. With no distracting verse numbers or stiff, formal language, the sixty-six books of Scripture unfold like a gripping novel. Passages you've read many times before will come alive, revealing the vibrant energy and passion of God's Word.
From the mysterious Old Testament stories to the straightforward teachings of Jesus to the encouraging early church letters, reading The Message will jump-start your heart, challenge your mind, and forever change your life.
The Message Bible by Eugene Peterson, Hardcover
Format: Hardcover with dust jacket
Condition: Good
ISBN: 9781576832899
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