The theme of this book is man’s call to nobility and to rule as king. Cultural progress and scientific discovery, strength of character and nobility of mind, a refining of the spirit without a denial of the physical, a goal in eternity and a transfiguration of the world, all belong to his vocation as ruler. His status as king must be seen in its context in the history of the universe. Behind all discord in nature lies a mighty revolution in the spirit-realm. If we are to understand the purpose and goal of man’s creation, we must see them from the perspective of eternity before the universe and above all the earth came into being. From this standpoint we shall learn to see him as a kingly instrument in the hand of the Creator for the transfiguration of the world of nature. We shall see him also as a vessel for Divine grace and glory, called to worship, to conformity to God’s image, to be a son of God through his creation, and to the vocation of ruler through eternity. The purpose of this book is to be a “testimony,” not a theological or scientific treatise. It endeavors to help seekers and thinkers, sceptics and Christians alike; to remove difficulties from the path of the former, to place some weapons in the hands of the latter in their battle for truth. In addition, it seeks to help them to enlarge the horizons of their own personal knowledge. The spiritual and intellectual crisis in which so many now stand is mighty. Modern ideologies of recent growth have revealed their hollowness and have collapsed shamefully. But the gospel of God remains! It proves its own indestructible power in all the crises and catastrophes of the world. It is to this invincibility and universal scope that this book testifies. [From the Author's Foreword]
The King of the Earth by Erich Sauer
Format: Paperback
Condition: Good+
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