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Presents documented case studies of homosexuals and lesbians who have been reoriented to heterosexuality through applied healing prayer.



What a relief to find a writer who brings psychological needs under the power of the cross of Christ. This is a book full of hope for the homosexual, but with far wider implications for all of us. A book about redemption.
--Elisabeth Elliot

Long before most Evangelicals acknowledged the need for sexual redemption, The Broken Image appeared as a beacon of hope to those in need. Thousands have learned to pray for others through its pages. Fifteen years later, it remains unsurpassed as a testament to the power of God to restore his people. In a day of growing confusion concerning the true sources of human personhood, The Broken Image points the way out of the hell of self-definition to the liberating dialog with the Lord who re-creates us in his image.
--John Fawcett, Wheaton College

I am indebted to Leanne Payne for her profound reliance upon the presence of God as the basis for healing the homosexual. While imbuing her work with essential theological and clinical insights, she nonetheless realizes that God's personal encounter with us--His being infusing ours--is what frees us.
--Andy Comiskey, director, Desert Stream

Leanne Payne is a wise woman. She has read what needs to be read on the topic she addresses; she has thought deeply about it all; she has tested what she has read in the light of her own courageous and profound experience of life--and of helping countless people with their lives; and above all, she speaks under the authority of God, whose Word she clearly takes absolutely seriously, and whom she knows as very few people seem to know him.
--Thomas Howard

The Broken Image by Leanne Payne

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  • Format: Paperback

    Condition: Good

    ISBN: 9780801053344

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