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There are hot-spots, sink-holes, and hell-holes all over the earth. They move around a bit. Baghdad in Iraq has been often a hot-spot, Kabul in Afghanistan is another. Then there's the sink-hole of Tehran in Iran, together with the recently war-torn Damascus in Syria. Don't blame the places, nor even the folks. New York in the USA, London in the UK, and Brussels in the EU are no different for being sometimes politically-sinking hot-spots or terrorist-targeted hell-holes. In terms of prophetic history, a welter of the world's biggest cities are everyday battlegrounds from which governmental academics compartmentalise their own specialist solutions. Most of these solutions, whether military or civic, fall so far short of the cosmic solution as to escalate the existing state of world disorder. Sure enough, without a barebones history of hell there's no point to fixing up hell-holes. Without the briefest history of heaven, it's also pointless to shore-up sink-holes. And as for the world's hot-spots, you have to look as deep into the souls of the good-guys as you do into the souls of the bad-guys. But you can't just walk off from compartmentalising a problem and expect it to sort itself out. For a workable solution you've got to bring back all the component parts together again that you first took apart and make them work together. That's exactly why this Soul-Catcher's Calling stops at nothing short of dealing with all things both under the sun and beyond the sun. Soul-catching is a military operation, at first under command, and then undertaken entirely by personal commitment. All such tours of duty overseas will be carefully monitored and guided by the most experienced of guardian angels. However perilous the front-line travel, none who seriously commit themselves to this soul-catching operation shall get left behind.

Soul-Catchers Calling by Nigel J. Jamieson LLD

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    Condition: Excellent

    ISBN: 9781543495911

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