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Someone needs to compromise, and it will not be Rome.' 'In what manner would you have me compromise, señor? Bow down to idols, señor? Find salvation through the church rather than Christ? Buy my salvation when Christ has already paid? Receive indulgences when Christ has already declared the work finished? Would you have me fear this fanciful purgatory? No, señor. Christ has come and made me free! Treachery will have its day, but art will live forever. A weave of conspiracy and deception pursues Diego Velázquez, court painter to the seventeenth-century Spanish King Phelipe IV. Diego's unverified nobility and coarse Baroque style are used in an endeavour to bring him down. Strengthened by his friendship with Luis Gongora and fellow artist Sir Peter Paul Rubens, Diego picks up his brush, making the canvas his sword, but without intervention from a secret society, he is set to stand before the Holy Office alone. Accusations centre on a commission done in Diego's youth. Who is the woman in the painting? Why could this canvas seal Diego's doom? Against a backdrop of rich European history, artists and nobles come alive once again to tell their stories as never before. Son of Spain is a passionate story of intrigue, slander, manipulation, and betrayal where the righteous find liberation on the world's most famous canvases.

Son of Spain: Diego Velazquez by Antoinette James

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  • Format: Paperback

    Condition: Very Good

    ISBN: 9781620244333

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