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A moving story of one woman's search for God, truth and fulfilment which has led to a transformed life and has ultimately witnessed God's extraordinary healing power. Growing up with a strong sense of spirituality, Kate searched long and hard throughout the world to find the God who made sense of that spiritual longing. After catching glimpses of God in many cultures along the way, Kate finally found God and her life was transformed for ever. Despite a highly successful journalistic career, she felt there was a disconnect between her work and faith, which eventually led her to work for the charity World Vision where she is now the Chief Communications Officer. Kate has had some personal battles to face, including the loss of both her parents, the loss of a baby, and debilitating ME. She has recently battled breast cancer, from which God has miraculously healed her. Sea Changed encourages readers to recognise the unseen hand that shifts our perspective, alters our trajectory and lifts us up even in our darkest moments.

Sea Changed by Kate Nicholas

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  • Format: Paperback

    Condition: Good

    ISBN: 9781780781624

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