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We wouldn t try to light a dark path by striking one little match after another, would we? Neither can we see our spiritual path very clearly by reading the Bible the way we customarily do--a chapter here or verse there.

Perhaps we shied away from the whole-book approach after our first attempt to read through the whole Bible bogged down somewhere in Leviticus. But why not try again to read the Bible one whole book at a time?

This time will be different. Reading a whole book of the Bible can give you the big picture as you ve never seen it before. One book reads like a series of short stories, another like a love letter from God, another like poetry or an instruction manual. If you read through the whole Bible this way, you will come to love all of the books of the Bible more than ever.

Woodrow Kroll will jump-start your desire to read the Bible book-by-book. Read Your Bible One Book at a Time includes informative introductions to each book of the Bible, reading plans that you can follow, and estimates of how long it will take you to read through each book. Each introduction concludes with "Why You Should Read Genesis" (or Amos, or Luke...). Kroll has also included a "Meet the Authors" section containing brief "bios" of each known author or co-author of a book of the Bible. Find your favorite chair, pick up your Bible, and settle down for a life-giving good read! We wouldn t try to light a dark path by striking one little match after another, would we? Neither can we see our spiritual path very clearly by reading the Bible the way we customarily do--a chapter here or verse there.

Perhaps we shied away from the whole-book approach after our first attempt to read through the whole Bible bogged down somewhere in Leviticus. But why not try again to read the Bible one whole book at a time?

This time will be different. Reading a whole book of the Bible can give you the big picture as you ve never seen it before. One book reads like a series of short stories, another like a love letter from God, another like poetry or an instruction manual. If you read through the whole Bible this way, you will come to love all of the books of the Bible more than ever.

Woodrow Kroll will jump-start your desire to read the Bible book-by-book. Read Your Bible One Book at a Time includes informative introductions to each book of the Bible, reading plans that you can follow, and estimates of how long it will take you to read through each book. Each introduction concludes with "Why You Should Read Genesis" (or Amos, or Luke...). Kroll has also included a "Meet the Authors" section containing brief "bios" of each known author or co-author of a book of the Bible. Find your favorite chair, pick up your Bible, and settle down for a life-giving good read!

Read Your Bible One Book at a Time by Woodrow Kroll

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  • Format: Paperback

    Condition: Good

    ISBN: 9781569553282

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