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The New Testament In Its Original Order—A Faithful Version With Commentary is the only English New Testament in which the books are arranged in their correct, original order (Gospels and Acts, General Epistles, Epistles of Paul, and Revelation). It retains the grace and grandeur of the King James Version while clarifying many of its problematic passages.

In recent years, there has been a virtual tidal wave of “contemporary” English translations of the Bible—most of which pervert the true meaning of the Word of God. Such liberal translations dangerously corrupt the inspired teachings of the Bible, and only add to the doctrinal confusion that already plagues today’s Christian community. In contrast, when the apostle Paul wrote to the churches, he used very precise Greek to fully explain Jesus’ teachings.

Indeed, the foundation of Christianity is being subverted and corrupted with new “easy-to-read” translations that alter the Word of God so dramatically that the true message of God has become lost. Common street language is often used, including gender-neutral expressions designed to please radical feminists and homosexuals. Numerous “contemporary” translations omit or add words—even whole verses. Some “translators” have boldly added entire books that were never part of the original canon. And today’s “higher criticism” has purported to expose so-called “weaknesses” and “discrepancies” in the authentic texts, undermining the faith of many.

It was in response to this crisis that Fred Coulter set out to produce a New Testament that is fully faithful to the inspired Greek—and one that retains the original manuscript order. Coulter’s goal was to accurately reflect the first-century teachings of Christ and the apostles—as opposed to the historical interpretations and questionable traditions of orthodoxy that originated hundreds of years later. Coulter’s translation represents a sincere effort to preserve the truth of the Word of God in an understandable, easy-to-read manner—free from “scholarly” corruption, political “correctness” and crude language.

This translation is not the work of any committee. Typically, “translation committees” are swayed by special interest groups desiring to make the Bible conform to a particular political, sexist or ecumenical agenda. Such committees have allowed societal mores to determine how they should present their translations; in effect, they have allowed the community to “frame” the Word of God.

Indeed, those who read and study the Bible deserve a faithful translation that can be trusted. Reviewer Dan Decker of Bible Editions and Versions (June 2005) writes of this Faithful Version of the New Testament: “It [is] an excellent translation for those desiring a literal one.”

After completing formal instruction in NT Greek, Coulter continued to expand his knowledge of Greek for 20 years by undertaking a verse-by-verse study of the books of the New Testament using the Byzantine Text. In the course of his study, he was moved to translate the Gospel accounts into clear, easy-to-read English for contemporary readers—resulting in his first published work, A Harmony of the Gospels in Modern English (now in its third edition). Ultimately, Coulter was inspired to translate the entire New Testament. After twelve years of diligent translating, The New Testament In Its Original Order was completed and published in 2004 (and reprinted in 2006). Textually, it is based on the Stephens 1550 Greek New Testament.

This is a vital tool for all Christians!

New Testament in its Original Order

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