As originally featured on the book jacket cover jackets of Pilgrim Publications reprint of the New Park Street Pulpit and Metropolitan Tabernacle Pulpit, this book features a unique collection of 64 biographical "capsule" highlights, including many "year-by-year" summaries; also several dozen pictures and illustrations. Sample "Spurgeon's Voice" - "Spurgeon and Money" - "Spurgeon's Humour" - "Spurgeon's Working Week" - "Spurgeon, The Open Air Preacher" - "Reporting Spurgeon" - "Spurgeon's Handwriting" - "D L Moody and the Tabernacle" - "Spurgeon and Luther" - "Mrs C H Spurgeon's Book Fund" - "The Secret of Success" and many, many others. Eric W. Hayden and Bob L. Ross created this book from the many reader requests the publisher received (since 1980) to produce a book featuring the collection of "highlights" from C. H. Spurgeon's famous 63-volume sermon series. A biographical collector's item!
Highlights in the Life of C.H. Spurgeon by Eric W. Hayden
Format: Paperback
Condition: Good
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