That the life story of this servant of Christ should be chronicled for others was inevitable, for there is so much in that life. Equally certain, though the author was the only one who knew it then, was the fact that it should be written by me. For a period of five or more years I had prayed that, when the time should come for Dr. Ironside's biography to be recorded, I might be the one selected for the task.There is doubtless much that I have overlooked in chronicling the lifework of Harry Ironside. What I have written has been done to the end that Christ in all His power and beauty and faithfulness may be seen in what has been wrought through His servant, and that men and women may be encouraged along life's path and incited to fuller yieldedness to the Lord through the record of a faithful steward. E. S. E.
H.A. Ironside: Ordained of the Lord: A Biography by E. Schuyler English
Format: Hardcover
Condition: Good