Spiritual witchcraft is probably attacking you, whether or not you know it. Every believer needs to learn how to recognize the weapons of witchcraft and be equipped with practical strategies to overcome it.
Spiritual witchcraft is the power of Satan. Its weapons are emotional manipulation, spiritual and religious control, isolation, soul ties, fear, confusion, loss of personal identity, sickness, depression and prophetic divination.
Those caught in the snare of this spirit struggle throughout their Christian lives to remain stable. In order to successfully battle spiritual witchcraft, you must thoroughly understand your rights as children of God because this demonic force craves to enslave those who are ignorant to the truth.
“This book literally saved my life!” – Terry, Portland
“I was in some pretty intense spiritual warfare, the kind that Pastor Jonas mentions in his book, Exposing Spiritual Witchcraft. After reading the book, I learned how to get victory fast for me and my family." – Joe, Dallas
“My husband and I have been battling this spirit our entire twenty-year ministry, with no one that was able to confirm our experience or exposure to this debilitating spirit. Now we can battle back!” – Debbie, Vermont
1. Weapons of Witchcraft
2. Witchcraft's Control
3. Witchcraft's Hidden Agenda
4. Prophetic Witchcraft
5. Warning Signs
6. Road to Deception
7. Religious Witchcraft
8. Rebellion
9. Imaginations and Witchcraft
10. Out of Control
Exposing Spiritual Witchcraft by Jonas Clark
Format: Paperback
Condition: Good
ISBN: 9781886885004
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