12 Real-Life Stories Which Will Inspire You to do Great Things for God By Reinhard Bonnke On one level, these dramatic stories are a testimony to the life and work of Reinhard Bonnke (bon-kay). The awesome numbers of souls eternally changed by the Cross of Jesus Christ through Bonnke's preaching are incredible by any human standard. Yet Reinhard is quick to give credit where credit is due - from zero to hero; he often says, referring to God s grace poured into his life and ministry. This theme of empowering grace pushes each story to a higher level ... Everyone has a dream, or perhaps had a dream. These are stories of real people, Reinhard included, who through failure, weakness, and just bad circumstances watched their dreams evaporate. But God was not finished. He had even greater plans prepared for them, as He has even greater plans for you. His grace is freely given ... You will be moved... you will be inspired... you will be challenged... to do even greater works for God.
Even Greater by Reinhard Bonnke
Format: Paperback
Condition: Good