Now you can keep the excellent rhythm, cadence, and reliability of the Faithful Old King James Bible while simply adding to it footnoted definitions of uncommon words. The Defined King James Bible uses footnotes to "define" virtually all of the archaic, obsolete, difficult, or uncommon words in the King James Bible, and it does so without changing the text of the Word of God. It is a truly remarkable edition of God's Holy Word and an excellent tool for both staunch advocates and first-time readers of the KJV. Perhaps best of all, the Defined King James Bible is produced by a Publisher that takes the same "KJV" stance as we do.
A very large 12 pt. Type Face compliments the renowned Defined King James Bible in this new and improved Large Print Edition. In fact, this updated Large Print Edition now includes Wide Margins for note taking! With a full 1-1/4" margin on all 4 sides of the text, this special edition Defined King James Bible is truly both Large Print and Wide Margin.
- Very Large, 12 Pt Typeface
- 1-1/4" Wide Margins on all 4 Sides of Text
- 9 x 11.5 x 1-1/2" carrying size
- Quality Genuine Leather binding
- Footnotes with accurate definitions of uncommon words that have changed meaning since 1611
- Appendix defending the Masoretic Hebrew and Textus Receptus Greek texts
- 85 Verse a Day Diamond Reading Guide (to read the bible through in 1 Year)
- Trustworthy KJV Cambridge TextFrom the Preface to the Defined King James Bible:
As the Defined King James Bible has come to it's completion, we the publishers are overjoyed. We have long awaited the appearance of such a King James Bible that would easily inform the reader of meanings of words which, though excellent in 1611, have changed slightly through the years...There are two portions of Scripture that come to mind concerning the understanding of the Words of God. The first portion is in Nehemiah. Nehemiah 8:8 states: "So they read in the book in the law of God distinctly, and gave the sense, and caused them to understand the reading." This is what The Defined King James Bible has done. It will cause those who read the King James Bible to know "the sense" and "to understand the reading." They do not need to go to one of the modern versions which have inferior Hebrew and Greek texts, inferior translators, inferior translation technique, and inferior technology.
A second portion of Scripture is found in Acts. Acts 8:30 states that Philip, when he met the Ethiopian Eunuch, "ran thither to him, and heard him read the prophet Esaias, and said, Understandest thou what thou readest?" The Eunuch's reply in the next verse was: "How can I, except some man should guide me?" The footnotes in The Defined King James Bible will act as a "guide" so that you, too, might understand "what thou readest".
You will notice that there has been no change whatsoever in the Authorized King James Bible. It has been kept as the standard which has united English speaking people throughout the world. There have been only clarifying footnotes based upon sound English dictionaries and, where needed, the original Hebrew and Greek languages. This Bible is not only a teaching tool, but also a devotional blessing.
The Authorized King James Version of the Bible has been, and continues to be, the God honored, most accurate, and best translation from the proper original language texts of the inspired, inerrant, infallible, and authoritative Word of God for the English-speaking nations.
Defined King James Bible
Format: Black Genuine Leather
Condition: Very Good
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