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Bestselling author Lucado (Come Thirsty) dedicates his latest book to helping readers discover their "sweet spot"—the job or life calling they were created for. He guides readers on their search to find the unique abilities God may have built into them. First step: "read your life backward" to see where you've been successful and what you've loved in the past. Readers are directed to find their personal "S.T.O.R.Y."—strengths, topic, optimal conditions, relationships and "Yes!" moments. This acronym originates with People Management Inc., whose theories helped Lucado find his own strengths and form much of the foundation for this book. For Lucado, discovering one's life purpose is really about honoring the God who gave the unique abilities in the first place, so he instructs readers not to make decisions based on greed. Instead, he exhorts them to "make a big deal out of God" rather than worrying about their own reputation and to trust God to use their "small beginnings" in his overall purpose. The book contains a "Sweet Spot Discovery Guide" with detailed exercises from People Management to help readers uncover their own personal "S.T.O.R.Y."—though some will want further guidance. As always, evangelical readers will appreciate that Lucado is easy to read while still substantive and orthodox, and many struggling to find the work that's right for them will find this book very helpful.


"Sweet spot." Golfers understand the term. So do tennis players. Ever swung a baseball bat or paddled a Ping-Pong ball? If so, you know the oh-so-nice feel of the sweet spot. Life in the sweet spot rolls like the downhill side of a downwind bike ride. But you don't have to swing a bat or a club to know this. What engineers give sports equipment, God gave you.A zone, a region, a life precinct in which you were made to dwell. He tailored the curves of your life to fit an empty space in his jigsaw puzzle. And life makes sweet sense when you find your spot.

But if you're like 87 percent of workers, you haven't found it. You don't find meaning in your work--or you're one of the 80 percent who don't believe their talents are used. What can you do? You're suffering from the common life, and you desperately need a cure.

Best-selling author Max Lucado has found it. In Cure for the Common Life he offers practical tools for exploring and identifying your own uniqueness, motivation to put your strengths to work, and the perfect prescription for finding and living in your sweet spot for the rest of your life.

Cure for the Common Life by Max Lucado

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