Bible Stories Through the Year', by popular children's storyteller and author Bob Hartman, contains hundreds of creatively constructed Bible readings that’ll engage the young and old in every congregation. Following the Lectionary Year A (starting Advent 2013), this valuable resource offers two alternative retellings for each week of the Lectionary Year. Bob has done all the hard work, remodeling stories and reconstructing passages with his spiritual imagination, to bring the Bible to life for all ages. He has even provided some golden advice to help the reader deliver these creative readings called 'Telling Tips'. Whether your church follows the Lectionary or not, 'Bible Stories Through the Year' is a fantastic book packed with wonderfully retold Bible stories and Bible passages to help Children's Workers and Church Readers declare the Word of the Lord to all ages and backgrounds.
Bible Stories Through the Year by Bob Hartman
Format: Paperback
Condition: Good
ISBN: 9780857213297
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