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Wendy Alec's epic Chronicles of Brothers saga continues in the eargerly anticipated fourth book.
It is 2005.
Halfway through the Tribulation,
The fourth Horseman of the Apocalypse, the Hooded Rider wields his scythe...The Rapture draws near.
The long awaited Ten Kingdom Accord is finalized in Iraq.
Ten of the world's former super economic regions including the entire Middle East and China, now ravaged by inflation and famine form a one world government under the iron rule of President of the European Union - Lucifer's clone - Adrian De Vere.
Adrian De Vere now controls the European Union, NATO, the United Nations and half the world's food and oil reserves.
He masterminds a bailout plan to the tune of 70 trillion dollars.
Israel is halfway through the denuclearization agreement.
Adrian De Vere is hailed as the great western ally and saviour of Israel.
His elder brother, arch cynic and media mogul, Jason De Vere finds himself sucked into a dark supernatural world of demonized beings, Nephilm, Archangels and subterfuge - his deadliest enemy, once his closest friend and brother, is now systematically intent on his destruction. Jason runs for his life.
Half a mile under Mont St Michel, Normandy, Adrian De Vere's biological scientists and Lucifer's dark Cabal Wizards release a weaponised toxin to decimate over a third of the earth's population.
A timeless saga of Demons and Angelic warriors, of obsessive love and treason.
And of an ancient eveil that knows no bounds.....

A Pale Horse (Chronicles of Brothers #4) by Wendy Alec

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