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The Old Testament Story: An Illustrated Documentary by John Drane
Judges: Such a Great Salvation by Dale Ralph Davis
2 Kings: Power and Fury by Dale Ralph Davis
1 Kings: Wisdom and Folly by Dale Ralph Davis
Christ Before the Manger by Ron Rhodes
Nehemiah and the Dynamics of Effective Leadership by Cyril J. Barber
Reclaiming the Old Testament for the Christian Pulpit by D. Gowan
Grace in the End: A Study in Deuteronomic Theology by J.G. McConville
Yeshua: The Name of Jesus Revealed in the Old Testament by Yacov Rambsel
Synonyms of the Old Testament by Robert B. Girdlestone
An Introduction to the Old Testament Historical Books by David M. Howard Jr.
Vine's Expository Dictionary of Old and New Testament Words: Reference Library
A History of Israel in Old Testament Times by Siegfried Herrmann
Jesus Christ in the Old Testament by Anthony Tyrrell Hanson
Dictionary of the Old Testament: Pentateuch
Walking in the Ways of the Lord by Christopher J.H. Wright
Old Testament Readings & Devotionals (Volume 1 only)
A Beginner's Guide to the Old Testament by Robert Davidson
The Message: Old Testament Prophets
The Message: Old Testament Books of Moses
New Englishman's Hebrew Concordance by Wigram
Song of Songs (NICOT) by Tremper Longman III
Old Testament Ethics for the People of God by Christopher J. H. Wright
Survey of the Old Testament Third Edition by Andrew Hill and John Walton
Authority of the Old Testament by John Bright
Unger's Commentary on the Old Testament (2 Volumes)
Characters of Creation by Daniel Darling
Wisdom for Faithful Reading by John H. Walton
Biblical Expositor (3 Volume Set) by Carl F.H. Henry
Old Testament Theology: Jeremiah by Walter Brueggemann
Haggai & Zechariah: Rebuilding with Hope (ITC) by Carroll Stuhlmueller, C.P.
Obadiah, Jonah: Bible Study Commentary by Bryan Beyer, John Walton