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Communicating Christ in Animistic Contexts by G. Van Rheenen
Unto Death by Dalton Thomas
Cross-Cultural Servanthod by Duane Elmer
Treasures in Clay Jars by Lois Y. Barrett et al.
The Book That Transforms Nations by Loren Cunningham
Global Mission Handbook by Steve Hoke & Bill Taylor
There Is Always Enough by Rolland and Heidi Baker
In Search of the Source by Neil Anderson and Hyatt Moore
China's Opening Door by Dennis Balcombe
Steppe by Step by Hugh P. Kemp
Christian China and the LIght of the World by David Wang and Georgina Sam
Zainabu's Story by Lynley Smith
Christianity Rediscovered by Vincent J. Donovan
The Bible or the Axe by William O. Levi
African Harvest by Anne Coomes
Better than the Witch Doctor by Mary Cundy
With the Bible in North Africa by Dugald Campbell
Journey into the Central Highlands of Borneo by James Ritchie
Serving Life by Margaret A. Currie
Creating a Missional Culture by J.R. Woodward
Building Bridges: From Asian Faiths to Jesus in the Gospels by Bruce Nicholls
Changing World, Unchanging Mission by M. David Sills
Reading the Bible Around the World: A Student's Guide to Global Hermeneutics
Freeing Congregational Mission by B. Hunter Farrell and S. Balajiedlang Khyllep
Street Pastors by Les Isaac
Faithful Presence by David E. Fitch
The Message of Mission by Howard Peskett & Vinoth Ramachandra (BST)
Planting Churches Cross-Culturally (2nd Edition) by David J. Hesselgrave
Introducing Cultural Anthropology by Brian M. Howell & Jenell Williams Paris
400 Years: Anglican/Episcopal Mission Among American Indians by Owanah Anderson
Biblical Theology of Missions by George W. Peters
David's Sling Stone: Mission Paradigm for the Minority Context by Paul Kim