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Calvin's Commentaries Volume XXII: Hebrews-Jude
Can We Rock The Gospel? by John Blanchard and Dan Lucarini
Truth For Life: Devotional Commentary on the Epistle of James by John Blanchard
Discovering James (Crossway Bible Guides) by David Field
Epistle of James (Harper's New Testament Commentaries) by Sophie Laws
James by Douglas J. Moo (Tyndale Beige NT Paperback Series)
James (NICNT) by James Adamson
Epistles of James and John (New London Commentary) by Alexander Ross
Epistles of James, Peter and Jude (Anchor Bible) by Bo Reicke
James (IVP New Testament Commentary Series) by George M. Stulac
James To Jude (Daily Bible Commentary) by Francis J. Moloney
James (NIGTC) by Peter Davids
The Communicator's Commentary: James, 1, 2 Peter, Jude by Paul A. Cedar