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Isaiah (TOTC) by J. Alec Motyer
Book of Isaiah by George L. Robinson
Isaiah 40-55: Servant Theology (ITC) by G.A.F. Knight
Isaiah 56-66: The New Israel (ITC) by G.A.F. Knight
Deutero-Isaiah: A Theological Commentary on Isaiah 40-55 by G.A.F. Knight
Isaiah 1-12 (Continental Commentary) by Hans Wildberger
Encountering the New Testament by Walter A. Elwell and Robert W. Yarbrough
Isaiah: Prophecies, Promises, Warnings by W.E. Vine
Isaiah 40-66 (New Century Bible Commentary) by R.N. Whybray
Isaiah 1-39 (NICOT) by John N. Oswalt
Isaiah 40-66 (NICOT) by John N. Oswalt
Studies In Isaiah by Edward J. Young
Isaiah 40-66 (Interpretation Commentaries) by Paul D. Hanson
Exposition of Isaiah, 2-Volume Set by H.C. Leupold
Yahweh is Exalted in Justice: Solitary and Conflict in Isaiah by Thomas Leclerc
The Prophet Isaiah by H.A. Ironside
Christ In The Bible: Isaiah by A.B. Simpson
Commentary on the Prophecies of Isaiah by Joseph Addison Alexander
Guide to Isaiah 1-39 (TEF 21) by Jack Partain and Richard Deutsch
Conversations With Scripture: 2 Isaiah by Stephen L. Cook