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Timothy, Titus, Philemon by H.A. Ironside
Calvin's Commentaries Volume XXI: Galatians-Philemon
To My Son: An Expositional Study of II Timothy by Guy King
Life Application Bible Commentary: 1 & 2 Timothy & Titus
The Pastoral Epistles by Donald Guthrie (Tyndale Beige NT Paperback Series)
Pastoral Epistles in the Greek NT (Wuest's Word Studies) by Kenneth S. Wuest
1 Timothy (Asia Bible Commentary) by Paul Trebilco, Simon Rae
Passing on the Truth: 1 and 2 Timothy (Welwyn Series) by Michael Bentley
Exposition to Second Timothy by N.A. Woychuk
New Testament Commentary: Thessalonians, Timothy, Titus by William Hendriksen
Calvin's Commentaries: Pastoral Epistles
Church In Ruins: Brief Thoughts on II Timothy by Clyde L. Pilkington Jr
First and Second Timonty (Interpretation Commentaries) by Thomas C. Oden