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Calvin's Commentaries Volume XXII: Hebrews-Jude
Word Biblical Commentary 51: 1, 2, 3 John by Stephen S. Smalley
In These Last Days (Wuest's Word Studies) by Kenneth S. Wuest
First John (Geneva Series) by Robert S. Candlish
Interpretation of I & II Peter, I-III John, Jude by R.C.H. Lenski
Epistles of John (Anchor Bible) by Raymond E. Brown
Letters of John and Jude (New Daily Study Bible) by William Barclay
Johannine Epistles (International Critical Commentary) by A. E. Brooke
Epistles of John by F.F. Bruce
Epistles of John (Tyndale NT Commentaries) by J.R.W. Stott
Epistles of John (NICNT) by I. Howard Marshall
Early Christian Letters for Everyone by N.T. Wright
Epistles of James and John (New London Commentary) by Alexander Ross
James and I-III John (New Testament Commentary) by Simon J. Kistemaker
New Testament Commentary: James and I-III John by Simon J. Kistemaker
The Navarre Bible: Catholic Epistles
The Johannine Epistles (Hermeneia) by Rudolph Bultmann
1-3 John (IVP New Testament Commentary Series) by Marianne Meye Thompson
Calvin's Commentaries: Catholic Epistles
MacKnight on the Epistles, One Volume Edition