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The Holy Spirit: Who He is and What He Does (Pure Gold Classics) by R.A. Torrey
The Holy Spirit: Who He is and What He Does. By R.A. Torrey
Real Salvation by R.A. Torrey
NLT Holy Spirit Encounter Bible
Supernatural Breakthrough by Rachel Hickson
Essentials of Evangelical Theology: Vol. 2 by Donald G. Bloesch
Prodigal Spirit by Graham Tomlin
God The Evangelist by David F. Wells
Moments With Majesty by Jack Hayford
Beauty of Spiritual Language by Jack Hayford
Built By The Spirit: Nehemiah by Jack Hayford
Holy Spirit by John Bevere with Addison Bevere
Quenching the Spirit by William DeArteaga
Holy Spirit in Today's World by W.A. Criswell
Gifts of the Holy Spirit by C.R. Vaughan
Person and Work of the Holy Spirit by H.C.G. Moule
Holy Spirit as Person and Power by Rob Yule
Come Holy Spirit: Learning to Minister in Power by David Pytches
Holy Spirit & Israel by Bruce Reekie
Receiving Divine Revelation by Fuchsia Pickett
Stones of Remembrance by Fuchsia Pickett
Worship Him by Fuchsia Pickett
Healing Through Deliverance by Peter Horrobin
Silent Shepherd by John MacArthur
A Theology of Word & Spirit by Donald G. Bloesch
You Are My Witnesses: The Message of the Acts of the Apostles by Gordon Keddie
Exploring Acts Volume Two: Acts 13-28 by John Phillips
Acts: Introduction and Commentary by E.M. Blaiklock
Acts (People's Bible Commentary) by Richard D. Balge
Becoming a Vessel of Honor by Rebecca Brown
The Anointing of The Holy Spirit by Peter Tan
Speaking In Tongues: A Guide to Research on Glossolalia by Watson E. Mills