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Galatians by Avi ben Mordechai
The Interlinear Bible Hebrew/Greek/English 4-Volume Set by J.P. Green
Illustrated Hebrew Bible: 75 Selected Stories adapted by Ellen Frankel
Basics of Biblical Hebrew Workbook by Gary D. Pratico and Miles V. Van Pelt
The Holy Scriptures In Hebrew and English (Old Testament)
New Englishman's Hebrew Concordance by Wigram
Pocket Dictionary for the Study of Biblical Hebrew by Todd J. Murphy
Expanded Vine's: Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words
Hebrew Bible: A Socio-Literary Introduction by Norman K. Gottwald
Synonyms of the Old Testament by Robert B. Girdlestone
Hebrews: Within the Veil by Brian J. Bailey
Prayer in the Hebrew Bible by Samuel E. Balentine
Yeshua: The Name of Jesus Revealed in the Old Testament by Yacov Rambsel
Freedom in Christ: Galatians by Meno Kalisher
English and Hebrew Bible Student's Concordance by Aaron Pick
A Concise Coptic-English Lexicon by Richard Smith
NASB Hebrew-Greek Key Study Bible
The Interlinear Bible Hebrew/Greek/English One Volume Edition
Jesus in the Hebrew Scriptures by Meno Kalisher
Introducing Biblical Hebrew by Allen P. Ross
Restoration Scriptures: True Name Edition
A Reader's Hebrew-English Lexicon of the Old Testament Vol 3
A Reader's Hebrew-English Lexicon of the Old Testament Vol 4
A Reader's Hebrew-English Lexicon of the Old Testament Vol. 1 and 2
Tehillim: The Book of Psalms with an Interlinear Translation
Mishlei Proverbs Commentary, Hebrew and English, 2 Volumes
Jerusalem Bible
Pentateuch and Haftorahs: Genesis: Hebrew Text, English Trans. ed by J. Hertz
Berit Olam: The Twelve Prophets: Volume One by Marvin A. Sweeney
Koheleth: Book of Ecclesiastes in Hebrew and English with a Midrashic commentary
Biblia Hebraica, Hebrew Bible edited by Rudolf Kittel
The Bible With Sources Revealed by Richard Elliott Friedman