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Church's Guide for Reading Paul by Brevard S. Childs
Interpreting the Scriptures by Kevin J. Conner and Ken Malmin
Reading the Bible Around the World: A Student's Guide to Global Hermeneutics
Them, Us & Me: How The Old Testament Speaks to People Today by Jacqueline Grey
In All The Scriptures by Nicholas G. Piotrowski
Privilege the Text! by Abraham Kuruvilla
Bible in World Christian Perspective edited by David W. Baker and W. Ward Gasque
Interpreting the New Testament by H. Conzelmann and A. Lindemann
Poet & Peasant and Through Peasant Eyes by Kenneth E. Bailey
Studies in Perfectionism by Benjamin B. Warfield
Contextualization: Meanings, Methods, and Models by David J. Hesselgrave et al
Models for Scripture by John Goldingay
Understanding and Applying the Bible by Robertson McQuilkin
Biblical Interpretation: A Roadmap by Frederick C. Tiffany and Sharon H. Ringe
Introducing New Testament Interpretation by Scot McKnight
Old Testament Textual Criticism: A Practical Introduction by Ellis R. Brotzman
Introduction to New Testament Exegesis by Werner Stenger
Disciplining Hermeneutics ed by Roger Lundin
Protestant Biblical Interpretation by Bernard Ramm
Biblical Hermeneutics (SCM Studyguide) by David Holgate and Rachel Starr
Hermeneutics by Henry Virkler
New Testament Interpretation by I. Howard Marshall
New Testament Interpretation and Methods by Stanley E. Porter and Craig A. Evans
New Testament Exegesis, Revised Edition by Gordon D. Fee
Reading The Old Testament: Method in Biblical Study by John Barton
Treasure the Word: Layperson's Guide to Interpreting Scripture ed.Joseph Coleson
Interpreting the Old Testament: A Guide for Exegesis by Craig C. Broyles
Introduction To Biblical Interpretation by Klein, Blomberg, and Hubbard