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Luther and the German Reformation by Principal T.M. Lindsay
Crucible of Christianity by Jonathan Hill
Travels of Friar Odoric: 14th Century Journal of the Blessed Odoric of Pordenone
Origins of Christianity: Sources and Documents by Howard Clark Kee
John Knox: Hero of the Scottish Reformation by Edward Miller
Anglican Church in New Zealand: A History by W.P. Morrell
Preach The Word! edited by Greg Haslam
The Trial of Luther by Daniel Olivier, translated by John Tonkin
Luther's Theology of the Cross by Alister E. McGrath
Zwingli by G.R. Potter
Heresy by Alister McGrath
Heaven Below: Early Pentecostals and American Culture by Grant Wacker
Bible: The Story of the King James Version by Gordon Campbell
Ante-Nicene Fathers 10 Volume Set
Medieval Church by Carl A. Volz
Sanctified Vision by John J. O'Keefe and R.R. Reno
Charismatic Gifts in the Early Church by Ronald A.N. Kydd
Church in the Christian Roman Empire Volume One by J. R. Palanque et al
Between Jesus and Paul by Martin Hengel
Dead Sea Scrolls and the First Christians by Robert Eisenman
Beginnings of Christianity by Andrew Welburn
A Short History of the Baptists by Henry C. Vedder
Dawn of Christianity by Robert J. Hutchinson
America's Christian History: The Untold Story by Gary DeMar
New Creation: John Wesley's Theology Today by Theodore Runyon
Wesley and the Wesleyans by John Kent
Methodism: Empire of the Spirit by David Hempton
Conversion in the Wesleyan Tradition by Kenneth J. Collins and John H. Tyson
A Crown and A Cross by Andrew Goodhead
Reasonable Enthusiast: John Wesley and the Rise of Methodism by Henry D. Rack
Christian Origins ed. by Lewis Ayres and Gareth Jones
Methodist Revolution by Bernard Semmel